The analysis was carried out on eight different samples and the results were compared to the results of tests on reference recent spruce wood. The average density of samples of recovered wood was 422 kg/m3 (between 324 kg/m3 and 504 kg/m3), whereas the reference sample density was 428 kg/m3. The average mass loss of the recovered wood samples after the exposure to the fungi Gloeophyllum trabeum was 29.2 % (between 22.4 % and 36.4 %), whereas the mass loss of recent spruce wood was 35.2 %.
The results confirm the thesis that wood, which was used for buildings decades or even centuries ago, was of higher quality than today due to the planned logging and appropriate selection of trees. The results also confirm that the recovered wood is a high-quality raw material for the production of new wood products with the appropriate selection of material.