Development projects
The Rewinnuse project focuses on the use of reclaimed wood and alternative wood species, and the development of fully demountable wooden windows.
Use of alternative wood species of waste wood and spruce for the development of completely expandable wooden windows
Acronym: Rewinnuse
Project budget: 448.227,44 €
Co-financing: The Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism
Duration: may 2022 – april 2024
- M Sora d.d. (leading partner)
- Biotehniška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani
- Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije (GIS)
- Norveški inštitut za bioekonomske raziskave (NIBIO)

The Rewinnuse project is focused on the use of reclaimed wood and alternative wood species, and the development of fully demountable wooden windows. In cooperation with the project partners (Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of Ljubljana, the Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomic Research – NIBIO and the Forestry Institute of Slovenia – GIS), the project works in two main areas with which we implement circular economy measures and promote the implementation of circular economy principles in the wood processing industry. The first area includes the development of a new model of a wooden window with glass, which will be installed only with dry components, which will allow easy disassembly of the window into its basic components and their reuse after the end of their useful life. The second area focuses on the search for alternative wood species and the reuse of used wood, as according to the predictions of global researchers, spruce wood will begin to be in short supply in the coming decades due to the consequences of climate change.
Purpose, objectives and results of the project:
The main objectives of the project are to create a closed circle from the sustainable design, manufacture, use of the product all the way to its end of life, and the reuse of materials for the production of new high-quality windows. We’ll achieve this by:
by responsible planning of the consumption of materials, which is addressed on the one hand by the use of used wood and the search for alternative wood species in order to relieve the enormous use of spruce for the production of wooden products, and on the other hand by returning used wood to the production of windows, we create a closed circle of the life of a wooden product and from it we create a “new” starting material and extend its life for an additional cycle of use;by developing a new window model with new technological processes (dry glazing), we’ll reduce the consumption of materials and improved the thermal characteristics of the window;the development of a new window model with an innovative mechanical joint between the crossbars and uprights of the window, which will allow easy disassembly of the window in its entirety into all basic components, which can be reused or easily recycled;the introduction of new or upgrading of existing hardware, which will enable the production of glued panels from alternative wood species and used wood, and improve the time efficiency of the work process due to the greater ergonomics of workplaces, which will be achieved by upgrading the hardware. |
The results we’ll achieve during the project are the result of achieving the aforementioned main project objectives. With them, we’ll lay the foundations for a strategic orientation towards low-carbon circular business and for the sale/installation of products with improved energy and sustainability properties that will reduce energy consumption for heating. With successful project effects and results and encouragement for sustainable and environmentally responsible business, we’ll create high added value both for companies within the wood processing sector and for the general public.
Work packages:
WP T1: Research, development and production of glued panels and window prototypes from used wood and alternative tree species (TM poplar, douglas fir, pine, chestnut, steamed robin).
WP T2: Performing laboratory tests on wood samples from used wood and alternative tree species, preparing exposure locations, exposing samples, performing laboratory tests after the exposures have been completed.
WP T3: Development of details, technological development of a new window model with dry glazing, made from reclaimed wood and alternative tree species.
WP T4: Preparation of production, implementation of production processes for the production of a new window model.
WP C: Communication – online communication, publications, public events,…
WP M: Management.
The project’s main objective is to develop wooden construction and wooden window elements that will be equipped with integrated sensors and ICT technology based on which we will be able to monitor the quality of wood and wooden products in real time and to predict their life expectancy.

The goals of the Lesni feniks project are to carry out a pilot project on the use of wood residues and waste wood from which new products will emerge: urban wooden elements that will serve local people for use and to raise awareness of the local population through the implementation of a range of activities.
The main goal of the ReWin project is to develop and promote the sales of wooden windows made of old, discarded wood, with special emphasis on wooden beams. The operation will reduce the amount of discarded wood, which is deposited at landfills or consumed for incineration.
The goal of XtremelY project is to develop a parametric numerical model of reinforced slender wooden window elements which will lead to future development of oversized windows.
The TIGR4smart programme – Sustainable and innovative construction of smart buildings – connects 16 companies and research institutions the main goal of which is to develop products and technologies, which enable the establishment of a healthy living and working indoor environment, by combining the research and development potential of companies and research organisations.
A procedure for treating the windows made of Silvapro® thermally modified spruce (with the main focus on the Natura Optimo XLT passive window) with Silvacera® wax (produced by the company Silvaprodukt) was developed in the framework of the project.
The project CaReWood (Cascading Recovered Wood) will see intensive work on the recycling of wood after its normal lifespan with special emphasis on recovered wooden windows.
M SORA windows have been awarded an eco-innovation certificate at the European level. Natural wood insulation with special air cavities represents a genuine alternative to synthetic insulation materials, resulting in lower CO2 emissions (carbon footprint) and better thermal insulation.