
This website is run by M SORA d.d. Information published on the website is owned by M SORA d.d. and may only be used for non-commercial purposes provided all relevant copyright notices are preserved. It is thus forbidden to copy, reproduce or in any other way disseminate any such information.
M SORA d.d. also reserves the right to amend any such information.


M SORA d.d. shall with all due care ensure that the data published on their websites will be accurate and up to date. However, it assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and integrity of any such data nor does it assume any responsibility for damage that may proceed therefrom. M SORA d.d. also assumes no responsibility in relation to any consequences resulting from the information contained on this website. M SORA d.d. assumes no responsibility for any viruses that might be transmitted to users’ devices from this website, and highly recommends users to protect their devices against viruses before they start transmitting information from this website.

M SORA d.d. assumes no responsibility for occasional downtimes of the website, potential inaccuracy of information or potential damage resulting from the use of inaccurate or incomplete information. Neither M SORA d.d. nor any other legal or natural person who was involved in designing and developing these websites assumes no responsibility for any damage which proceeds from the use or inability to use information contained on these website or for any errors or shortcomings thereof.

We reserve the right to refer the users of our website to other websites and we assume no responsibility for the content of such other websites.

For and additional information and licences please refer to:

M SORA d.d.
Trg svobode 2
4226 Žiri

Telephone: +386 4 50 50 300
