
Poskrbimo za različne sisteme senčenja vašega doma.

Preberite več sistemih senčenja


Razsežnost pronicajoče svetlobe, igra senc ali popolna zatemnitev so možnosti, ki jih ponuja senčenje z žaluzijami. Izbirate lahko med številnimi oblikami lamel, vodil in barvnih različic, saj lahko z RAL barvno lestvico ponudimo željene odtenke.

Zunanje žaluzije


Za popolno zatemnitev in varnost vaših prostorov vam ponujamo pester izbor rolet, ki jih lahko vgradimo nad ali pred okenske elementeAluminijaste lamele zagotavljajo nadstandardno trdnost in obstojnost barv. Rolete lahko upravljate z naslednjimi mehanizmi: daljinec, monokomanda, stikalo ali trak.

Zip screen

Najdiskretnejši sistem senčenja s prosojnimi tkaninami, ki nudijo prefinjeno razmerje med prepuščanjem svetlobe in zaščito pred bleščanjem, vročino ter pogledi iz zunanjosti.

Prepustite se igri senc in barvi svetlobe v prostoru, ki jih dosežemo z izborom specifične stopnje prosojnosti in obarvanostjo tkanine.

Zip screen senčila


Polkna so tradicionalno učinkovito senčilo, v nekaterih primerih pa so lahko tudi nepogrešljiva zaščita pred vremenskimi vplivi in vlomi. Hkrati so lahko zelo pomemben dodatek k zunanjemu izgledu fasade, saj s svojo obliko in barvo poskrbijo za dober videz.

Poskrbimo za celovito izkušnjo

Okna so le delček celotne izkušnje, ki jo dobite z M SORO. Kakovosten izdelek je prvi korak, kateremu sledi vrhunska montaža s strani izkušenih ekip, ki omogoči, da naši izdelki zaživijo v vsej svoji popolnosti. Tudi po vgradnji izdelkov nudimo servis znotraj garancijskih pogojev.


zagotovljen datum dobave ob finančni in tehnični potrditvi specifikacij naročila


izkušenih monterskih ekip na področju vgradnje stavbnega pohištva


let prisotni na slovenskem trgu

75 let

Vhodna vrata

Imeti vrata pomeni imeti dom, varnost, prostor pripadanja. Vrata vabijo, da jih prestopimo, so pot, prehodi od rojstva do smrti. Odprta so priložnost, upanje, zaprta zasebnost, občutek miru. Vrata so povezana z naravno potrebo po urejanju in členjenju prostora. Najstarejša so bila lesena, masivna, danes so najboljša vhodna vrata minimalistično enostavna in čistih linij, izdelana iz visoko kakovostnih lesnih kompozitov.
mag. Polona Sketelj

Pogosta vprašanja

Purchase of windows
Double-glazed or triple-glazed insulation glass?

Glass is a window element that most impacts the thermal insulation of the window or rather the heat gain or loss (Uw) through the window as in most cases 70% of a window’s total surface is covered by glass. When it comes to windows, we speak of thermal insulating glass made up of two or three panes of glass separated by spacers to form a cavity filled with inert gas. The following impacts the thermal transmittance (Ug) of a window:

  • the number of glass panes or inter-pane gaps;
  • the width of the inter-pane spacer or the gap between the panes;
  • the type of inert gas;
  • the number and type of glass coatings.

The number of glass panes is the most important factor which impacts Ug. The Ug of a single-glazed windows is 5.7 W/m2K, Ug of most double-glazed windows is between 1.0 W/m2K and 1.4 W/m2K and Ug of most triple-glazed windows is between 0.5 W/m2K and 0.8 W/m2K.

Purchase of windows
What is a inter-pane spacer?

The basic function of the inter-pane spacer, which is placed on the edges of the insulation glass units, is to maintain an even distance between the glass panes (e.g. 12, 14, 16, 18 mm) and to prevent the leakage of inert gas (argon, krypton) from the inter-pane space. A sealant (e.g. polysulfide or silicone) applied under the spacer also prevents gas leakage. Basic inter-pane spacers are (were) made of aluminium which is a very good heat conductor. Thus, a combination of glass and aluminium spacer in an insulation glass unit constitutes a thermal bridge which is reflected in a low temperature of the edge of the inner glass unit and in the formation of condensation. One way to avoid this is to use what is known as “warm edge” spacers that are available in more than 20 varieties. One of the most often used variety is the TGI spacer made of a stainless steel and polypropylene, a combination that prevents the formation of a thermal bridge. Currently, Swisspacer Ultimate, which is made of composite polymer material and free of any metals, is the best inter-pane spacer in the market. An empty space between the walls of both spacers is filled with desiccant.

What impacts the thermal insulation of a wooden window profile?

A window profile consists of a casement and frame. Thermal insulation of a window profile is expressed in its thermal transmittance (Uf-value) the unit of which corresponds to W/m2K. The Uf-value depends on the thickness (l) of the profile (e.g. 68 mm, 78 mm, 92 mm, 110 mm), (ll) type of the wood and (lll) profile’s shape and details.

The basic function of the inter-pane spacer, which is placed on the edges of the insulation glass units, is to maintain an even distance between the glass panes (e.g. 12, 14, 16, 18 mm) and to prevent the leakage of inert gas (argon, krypton) from the inter-pane space. A sealant (e.g. polysulfide or silicone) applied under the spacer also prevents gas leakage. Basic inter-pane spacers are (were) made of aluminium which is a very good heat conductor. Thus, a combination of glass and aluminium spacer in an insulation glass unit constitutes a thermal bridge which is reflected in a low temperature of the edge of the inner glass unit and in the formation of condensation. One way to avoid this is to use what is known as “warm edge” spacers that are available in more than 20 varieties. One of the most often used variety is the TGI spacer made of a stainless steel and polypropylene, a combination that prevents the formation of a thermal bridge. Currently, Swisspacer Ultimate, which is made of composite polymer material and free of any metals, is the best inter-pane spacer in the market. An empty space between the walls of both spacers is filled with desiccant.

Double-glazed or triple-glazed insulation glass?

Glass is a window element that most impacts the thermal insulation of the window or rather the heat gain or loss (Uw) through the window as in most cases 70% of a window’s total surface is covered by glass. When it comes to windows, we speak of thermal insulating glass made up of two or three panes of glass separated by spacers to form a cavity filled with inert gas. The following impacts the thermal transmittance (Ug) of a window:

  • the number of glass panes or inter-pane gaps;
  • the width of the inter-pane spacer or the gap between the panes;
  • the type of inert gas;
  • the number and type of glass coatings.

The number of glass panes is the most important factor which impacts Ug. The Ug of a single-glazed windows is 5.7 W/m2K, Ug of most double-glazed windows is between 1.0 W/m2K and 1.4 W/m2K and Ug of most triple-glazed windows is between 0.5 W/m2K and 0.8 W/m2K.

What is the difference between a classic and a panoramic lift-slide window?

The glass in the fixed component of the lift-slide PANORAMIC windows runs from the ceiling to the floor. This way, the room gets even more sunlight. In addition, such windows have a minimalist aesthetic effect.

Why should l buy sora m windows?

Because we can promise you nothing short of perfection. Maybe it is an exaggeration to say that we are in love with windows. However, we are undoubtedly passionate professionals whose windows are so perfected and technologically advanced that hardly any other product could match them. We promise that:

  • your window will be a refined product,
  • your window will be as natural as possible,
  • your window will be technologically accomplished,
  • there will be no hidden defects in your windows,
  • your window will be manufactured in an environment-friendly manner.
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